Immigration Consultancy


Expatriate Quota:

Permanent Expatriate employment is allowed subject to application and grant of Expatriate Quota. It is valid for an initial period of Three (3) years and is renewable every Two (2) years. The maximum time frame for processing a Quota Approval is Five weeks, and all required documentations must be made available.


STR (Subject to Regularization) VISA:

In addition to an Expatriate Quota, all expatriates are required to apply for and obtain a visa.jpgResident Permit before they can work and live (with or without their families) in Nigeria. The STR visa is a pre-requisite visa for work and resident permit. The visa is issued to an intending expatriate in his country of residence/domicile after proper documentation has been shown and approved by our embassy.

We can assist you prepare all the relevant documentations. Our estimated time frame for this will be a maximum of Two weeks.


Regularization / CERPAC (Green Card) VISAS:

Once an expatriate enters Nigeria with an STR Visa, he is required to regularize his stay within a period of 90 days or three months. This is a process of procuring Nigerian Combined Expatriate’s Resident Permit and Aliens Card (CERPAC), which allows an expatriate to travel in and out Nigeria without let or hindrance.


Procurement of Cablegram for Temporary Work Permit

This is given to expatriates coming to take temporary employment like repairs / maintenance, installation of machines and equipment auditing, training etc in Nigeria. It is the only authorized visa, approved by the Comptroller General. It cannot be extended or renewed. It is approved for a period not exceeding 90days or 3 months.


Preparation of Monthly Quota Returns:

Monthly Returns:

This is a mandatory requirement that must be carried out in accordance with the quota approval (see second paragraph of your company’s expatriates quota). It entails the submission of names of all expatriates in the organization with their immigration status alongside the names of their Nigerian understudies (together with their qualifications). This is to ensure that proper transfer of skills is being strictly adhered to.


Deletion of Expatriate Position from Quota:

When an Expatriate’s services are no longer required, his/her name has to be deleted from the company’s Quota, and the position released for reuse by another Expatriate if need be. This is done when the Expatriate resigns or his/her appointment terminated.