Investor Relations

Investor Relations

While investors are tapping into many resourceful parts of Nigeria; there are still numerous and fantastic emerging investment opportunities for the informed investors. Business areas like Oil & Gas, Agriculture, Telecommunication, Information Communication Technology, Electricity, Engineering, Property hotspots, Food Production, Mechanical development, these and many more exciting and beautiful sector are available in Nigeria for you to invest your money.

Why You Need Us?

Kam Silviason International Limited has wider experience of Nigeria market and her environment to represent your international interest in Nigeria market. We offer exceptional logistics business partnership service that can help you recognise the lucrative benefits of investing in any sector of your choice.

Companies coming to Nigeria

A company coming to Nigeria is faced with a lot of challenges mostly due to the fact that this is a new terrain with different laws and uncharted territory. The easiest way to remove this challenge is to liaise with a trusted company already operating in Nigeria who is conversant with the local regulatory environment.


How We Can Help You?


Provision of a representative office

We will provide an Office Space at any suitable location for your use and for a fixed monthly fee and will undertake mail forwarding (daily, weekly or monthly as you prefer) using our courier delivery service provider. The cost of such mail forwarding will be treated as an out of pocket expense and recovered from you at cost on a monthly basis. Any additional services will be provided at additional costs.

Registration of Foreign Company.

If it is not an individual seeking a work or residence permit, then the foreign company seeking to do business in Nigeria must be registered in Nigeria under the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990 except it is exempted under Nigerian law. We maintain alliances with corporate law firms that we can engage and supervise on your behalf to assist you comply with all applicable regulations and procedures. We will negotiate the best possible price for you and charge you for an administrative and service.

The requirements for registration are stated below

The legal requirements for incorporation: Are contained in the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990. They include availability with regard to the name of the company, registered office address, type of company, share capital, Memorandum and Articles of Association which spelt out the objects of the company must be legal, qualified directors, subscribers who may become directors means of identification of the directors. Section 54 of Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990 allow foreign companies incorporated outside Nigeria to take all necessary steps to incorporate a separate entity in Nigeria for the same purpose except companies granted exemptions. Companies registered outside Nigeria can as well own shares in a company to be registered in Nigeria so long as they can provide evidence of their municipal registration by way of certificate of incorporation and also a board resolution to that effect   . Failure to comply with these requirements attracts penalties. Exemptions can be granted by the Council of Minister to companies invited specifically by the Nigerian government to execute any specific project or executing any project on behalf of a donor country or international organization, foreign government owed companies engaged solely for export promotion activities, engineering consultants or technical experts for Government we have efficient, experienced and highly skilled legal team that ensures prompt registration within a reasonable time. Even after registration, we still assist our client to ensure the filing of annual returns in accordance with the provision of the law within time to avoid penalties.

Business Permit.

After registration of the company, it must apply for a business permit. Application is by formal application letter, application form with foreign company registration particulars.

Expatriate Quota Permit.

The foreign company is to obtain a foreign quota permit by application to the appropriate government agency. The rationale is to restrict foreigners taking up employments that Nigerians are qualified to do. Mode of application is application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with company registration particulars, a tabulation of official staff positions in the foreign company to be held by foreigners and Nigerians if applicable, a list of the foreigners to hold specific positions.

STR Visa.

Once the foreign company decides on the number of employees coming to Nigeria to work, then an application for an STR visa will be made to the Nigerian embassy in their country of residence. Mode of application is by an official letter, official application form, employment letter of the applicant (s), employment details and addresses etc. All forms to be submitted in quadrupllicate. An STR visa will then be issued permitting the foreign employee to work and reside stay in Nigeria for three months duration pending regularization of work and residence permit upon entry into


Regularization of STR.

Upon entry into Nigeria, the foreign employee(s) is to immediately apply for a Combined Expatriate work and residence permit called CERPAC. Mode of application is by an application for CERPAC and multiple visa. The STR visa is to be attached to the CERPAC application.

Multiple Entry Visa.

An application for regularization of STR visa is also made with an application for multiple Nigerian visas to enable the foreign employee enter and leave Nigerian at will.

Alien Registration Card.

An application for alien registration is to be made for alien registration. The duration of the card is for a maximum of two years and is renewable every year.

After your arrival renting of a permanent office

We maintain relationships with reputable real estate firms and can help you engage them to search for an office space for you. We can recommend the best parts of town to locate and give you an indication of market prices. We will negotiate the best possible professional fee for you and will charge you a transparent administration fee.

Recruitment of Local Staff

We can help you recruit local staff to man your office and we will provide recommendations on how best to manage your local HR resource. We can also help you draw up job descriptions, HR policy manuals staff handbooks or other HR management resources.


One of the first functions to be filled is that of the accounting function. Should you wish to hit the ground running we can provide outsourced accounting personnel who are conversant with local accounting standards and tax law/practice to maintain your books pending recruitment of full time accountants. We can provide permanent outsourced accounting services if you so desire along with accounting system installation services.


We also provide training services that are tailored to suit your current realities. Our training is delivered by persons with over 20 years experience and with top rated.

Our Holistic Approach

Our approach to service delivery is holistic. In order to provide a holistic service we maintain relationships with over twenty alliance partners in a wide range of fields. So if you need anything not mentioned above just let us know and we will arrange to provide a solution.


Expatriate Relocation assistance Services

As regards this essential and resourceful transfer expatriate, we help international expatriates and their families adjust to new environments, easing the transition of moving to a new country and making the relocation a positive experience for each family member.

Our systematic, customer-friendly service is designed to lift much of the burden from HR departments. You can be confident that your expatriate employees are receiving expert, caring service from Kam Silviason International Limited during their changeover.

Our customized relocation services guide the expatriates and their families through a series of activities that ensure a smooth and pleasant transition.


Welcome Orientation

Home Selection

Furniture Selection Assistance

Utility Selection & Setup

Community/Area Tour

School Selection & Enrollment

Banking Assistance

Social Security Assistance

Driver’s License Assistance


Simply contact us with necessary details and you will get a feedback from us.